Facebook provides some powerful visualization tools that will allow you to communicate successes to a customer. In this solutions, we will show you some data points that you can highlight when communicating with a customer.

FIRST, you need administrative access to the Facebook page you will be evaluating. This can be received through Facebook Business Manager.

Facebook Insights can be found in the lefthand column of a customer's Facebook page, as shown below.


Once you click on Insights, there are a few places you might turn to demonstrate success. These can be found in the lefthand column. Some success stories will be obvious. Others will created unexpected value for the customers. You will want to focus on the following categories:

Likes: This will illustrate audience growth.

Reach: This will show you how many people saw the content.

Page Views: This will show you who came to the customer's Facebook page and where they went.

Posts: This will show you the success of individual posts.

People: This will show you the demographic composition of your audience, as well as those who viewed your content.

To understand these Facebook Analytics, please consider watching this video from Social5 University as a resource: https://youtu.be/hCEGomkyM28

We will start with "Likes." This graph will show cumulative fan growth over time. Make sure to toggle the reporting period at the top of the screen to reflect a minimum of 90 days. Otherwise, the growth won't be as eye-catching. The middle graph shows cumulative likes. The bottom graph shows day-by-day fan acquisition. Dark blue fans came through our advertising campaigns. Light blue fans found the page through our content and liked it.

Next, we move to reach. This will allow you to demonstrate increases in viewership. The dark orange lines show viewership acquired through paid advertising. The light orange shows viewership through unpaid content. Generally, try to show positive upward trend lines.

Notice the secondary graph at the bottom that speaks to "Reactions, Comments, Shares and More." This graph is awesome for showing content engagement. You will typically see an increase in engagement with Social5 content. Not only that, but it looks sophisticated for sharing with the customer. 

Your most-valuable resource will be found under "Posts." This will allow you to see what content received the most viewership and engagement. Typically, you will focus less on the numbers and more on how it compared to other posts. For example, the last post on this list was the most successful by far. It had the most views (220), and had the most engagement (42 likes, comments and shares.) So I might send an email to the customer like this . . .


Hi [Customer Name],

     Got a moment for a quick Facebook success story? I was just reviewing the performance metrics from your Facebook page and came across a post that did exceptionally well. You might remember it. The post was promoting your online class about "lead capture." Oh my goodness, it resonated with viewers in a big way. We had 42 people engage with the post by  liking, commenting or sharing.  Let me show you the post.

[Insert screen shot of the post]

      If you ever have a topic or event that needs to be posted, please don't hesitate to reach out. We want to be a resource for you. We want to do all we can to lift and strengthen your business. Thanks!


In the example above, I mentioned including a screen shot of the post. This can be done by clicking the headline of the post you would like to view. Also, notice how the example seeks to incorporate some of the proactive outreach principles. We are demonstrating the value of Social5 products and emphasizing our genuine interest in the customer. In a real-world situation, I would include the next item in the email to provide an unexpected value.

This is my favorite data point to give to customers. It tends to be a win every time. This will show you who is following your page. It defaults to your current audience, but you can click on "People Reached" to show who is viewing your content. So you might consider including a screenshot like this with the email and saying something like . . .

"Thought you might find this interesting. We actually seeing more men (ages 25-34) interacting with your Facebook page than any other demographic. Fascinating. Take a look at the demographic breakdown of your Facebook audience. If you have any thoughts or observations, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're always trying to tweak and refine our strategies. Talk to you soon!"

Here's the graph . . .

Facebook provides a significant opportunity for proactive outreach. Please look for opportunities to show that we are actively working on their behalf to produce positive results.