The timeline for building analytical reports for Big Leap is tight.

Please begin building your analytical reports on the 1st of each month. If this day falls on a weekend, begin on the first business day of the month.

You will then have until the 3rd business day of the month to complete the reports. This is a firm deadline. Please submit your analytical reports to Big Leap by the close of business on that day. The report should be delivered to the customer service executive (CSE), who is overseeing the account.

The Big Leap CSE will review the reports and send them to clients on the 5th business day of the month.


[NOTE: Here's what Big Leap communicated to their team on the process.]

  • Social 5 analytics team will complete client reports by the 3rd business day of each month in Swydo. The Social5 team will be copying reports from the previous month and updating accordingly.
  • Once the report is done, the Social5 analytics team will notify CSEs.
  • The analytics team can be reached at [email protected] (our team inbox with Social 5).
  • Social5 analytics team will be updating the data, insights, and reviewing the executive summary for any needed adjustments based on the data/insights.
  • CSEs will be responsible for reviewing the report, collaborating with the Social5 analytics team on corrections or special reporting requests, and editing the executive summary before sending to the client by the end of the 5th business day as per Big Leap's normal reporting process.
  • Social5 analytics team will also share some potential talking points/insights with CSEs that can be communicated to clients as well.
  • CSEs will need to be well-versed in the monthly report to lead out and answer client questions. Social5 analytics team will not join client reporting calls but can support follow up questions as CSEs communicate with clients