The second social channel on the report is LinkedIn. Although Swydo can integrate with this social channel, Big Leap does not have sufficient permissions to do so. As a result, all analytics in this section must be added as screenshots. Here's how to update the report:
Summary Paragraph: Skip this paragraph until you have added all relevant information to the report. This will allow you to highlight 1-2 data points that are particularly interesting. These highlights are meant to provide insights, build excitement or increase credibility in our expertise. Negative highlights are appropriate, but should be accompanied by information on how the numbers will improve. Highlights may include any of the following, or others at your discretion:
- Your marketing campaign reached XXX viewers last month, which represents an increase of XX percent. Those viewers saw your content XX times, which is powerful from a branding perspective. In today's digital marketplace, the average consumer needs to be reached 7-12 times before interacting with the brand. [See updates, then toggle for impressions, for data.]
- You saw an increase in social media engagement this month. The number of engaged users rose by XX percent. We tracked likes, clicks, comments and shares by XXX people during the past 30 days. [See updates, then toggle for engagement rate, for data.]
- Your brand appears to be resonating most with viewers in the X industry. You have XXX fans in that sector. Of them XX people are in senior leadership roles. [See followers, then toggle by industry.]
- We saw some power social media activity from your post on [describe post], which was seen XXX times during the month. The engagement rate was XX. [See home page, toggle posts by top]
Access To LinkedIn Analytics: To access the data needed for this report, please log into LinkedIn using the following login credentials:
PW: SocialMedia2022
Once you have accessed LinkedIn, use the search bar to find the company page. As an admin on the page, you will have access to analytics, shown below.
IMPRESSIONS: Your first screenshot will be LinkedIn impressions. Click Analytics, then Updates, to access this graph. Make sure the date range reflects the last full calendar month, then screenshot the data circled in red below.
Once you have taken a screenshot of the data, go to the Swydo report. Click on the image you want to replace. Then click the "Replace" button shown below, signified by two opposing arrows.
MANUAL KPI BOXES: Next on the report are manual KPIs. These KPIs much be manually populated with performance metrics from the account. You'll see the following three KPIs on each report. They should come immediately after the Impression graphic.
To update these KPIs, hover your cursor over the top and click on the wrench icon:
Now type in the values. Move the previous month's value into the "Compare Value" slot. Then locate the current month's value to put in the "Value" slot.
Here's where to find the information:
VIEWERSHIP: Click on Analytics, then Updates. The number is located directly below the graphic.
PAGE VIEWS: Click on Analytics, then Visitors. The number is located in the graph's header.
UNIQUE VISITORS: Stay on the Page Views screen. The number is located to the right of the Page Views number.
Go ahead and manually update all three boxes.
FOLLOWER DEMOGRAPHICS: Now we move to the next screenshot. Click on Analytics, click on Visitors, then scroll down to Visitor Demographics. Use the dropdown menu to determine what to highlight. You can highlight job function, company size, industry, location or seniority. You will choose one option for this screen shot, then another for the screen shot further down in the report.
Take a screenshot. Go back to the Swydo report. And replace the image as shown in the instructions above for IMPRESSIONS.
PAGE VIEWS: The next screenshot will feature Page Views. This can be found by clicking on Analytics, then Visitors. Follow the same process as IMPRESSIONS to add this image to the report. Don't forget to toggle the date range to the last full calendar month, as shown below.
FOLLOWER DEMOGRAPHICS: Now finish the section with your second screenshot of follower demographics. Choose the screenshot that interests you most. Feel free to select different demographics for each report to provide diversity.
And with that, you should be finished with the LinkedIn section.