Time for Instagram. This channel should be featured in the third spot on the report. Please follow the instructions below for populating this report.

Summary Paragraph: This summary will showcase 1-2 items that are noteworthy from the report. Populate all of the analytics in this section before writing this text block. It does not need to be new every time. Highlights may include the following:

  • Your marketing campaign reached XXX viewers last month, which represents an increase of XX percent. Those viewers saw your content XX times, which is powerful from a branding perspective. 

  • You saw an increase in social media engagement this month. The number of engaged users rose by XX percent. We tracked likes, clicks, comments and shares by XXX people during the past 30 days. [See engaged users for data.]

  • Congrats! Your fan base increased this month. You gained XX followers.

  • We saw some power social media activity from your post on [describe post], which was seen XXX times during the month. The engagement rate was XX.

  • Your video content did exceptionally well. You had XXXX people watch videos on your Instagram page.

Instagram KPIs: For Instagram, we begin with the following KPIs. Five of them are automated KPIs. The 6th is a manual KPI that requires us to count the number of posts on the page. Feel free to swap out that KPI for an automated one, if desired.

In this section, please make sure that the KPI is reflecting the right time period. If not, hover over the KPI, click on the wrench icon and change the Date Range for that statistic. (See KPI below) Remember, each KPI must be considered individually. Look at each one before moving on. 

Content Screenshot: Next, we want to highlight some of the amazing content we have produced. Please go to the company's Instagram page and take a screenshot of the top 9 posts.

The company's Instagram URL can be found in the Social5 backend under the Advanced tab. The link will be located on the right side under non-integrated channels.

To swap out the image on Swydo, hover over the screenshot, click the swap button at the bottom of the screen, then upload the new image.

Impressions By Day Of The Week: We now feature a graph showing viewership by day of the week. This is an Instagram widget called "Impressions By Day Of The Week." It should be shown as a Column Chart. The Date Range should be Automatic and compare the previous period. Simply make sure the date range is accurate.

Day Of The Week Performance: Lastly, we show a detail views of daily performance on Instagram. This table comes from the same Instagram widget mentioned above, "Impressions By Day Of The Week." But instead of showing a column chart, set the presentation to Table.

That should do it. Your Instagram report should be complete.