The last social channel on the report will be Twitter. Because Swydo can only track Twitter advertising, you will need to build this report manually. However, this report is fairly simple. Here's how to complete it.
Summary Paragraph: Ditto to everything we have mentioned in the previous sections. Look for 1-2 highlights that can help build the customer's faith in our service.
Accessing Twitter Analytics: You will need to log into the customer's Twitter account to pull analytics. To do this, log into the Social5 backend, search for the customer's account and click on the Ops tab to find their Twitter credentials. Then log in. You'll find the analytics section of Twitter by clicking on the More button, shown below.
Now click on Creator Studio and select Analytics.
Bingo! You're in. This is what Twitter analytics looks like.
Manual Twitter KPIs: We highlight three types of analytics in this report. Impressions (or viewership), profile visits and mentions. These KPI boxes are manually populated. Simply hover your cursor over the numbers, click on the wrench icon and enter the numbers.
The numbers are easy to find. Just look in the righthand column of your Twitter analytics page.
Twitter Analytics Screenshot: The final step in adding Twitter analytics is to take a screenshot of the monthly summary. Twitter makes it easy. It is packaged and ready for a screenshot. It looks like this:
Take a screenshot of the month's analytics. Go to Swydo. Then swap out the analytics that are on the page by clicking on the image in that position and clicking the replace button at the bottom of the image, highlighted in red.
That's it. Your Twitter report is ready to go.