Content Strategy Call Request (Non-Premium Care) - To request a content call with a customer. Please note, strategy changes take up to two weeks to implement. - Assign to Sherry.

Background: {Please provide any relevant background or past conversations. Please indicate if there were any specific posts or types of content that sparked the need for a conversation or if the customer is simply needing an updated content conversation.}

Associated ticket(s) in FreshDesk: {Please include the link to any associated tickets.}

Is the customer aware that we'll be reaching out?: {If yes, is here an expected timeline?}

Concerns with Graphics: {Please describe and include examples if possible. Or put n/a}

Resources: {If the customer provided updated resources, please attach or include links as well as instructions from the customer. Or put n/a}

Other details: {Anything else we should discuss?}

Non-Rapid Response Content Request - To communicate non-rapid response content requests from customers to editors. This is for straightforward topic requests that will be used in future content production. - Keep assigned to yourself but tag the editor in a note (check MASTER category spreadsheet).

Template Instructions: 

  • This type of request is for content that DOES NOT need to run immediately, on/by a specific day, or at a specific frequency. 
  • These are specific topics/ideas that the customer provided that the writer can use in upcoming content. It could be 4+ weeks before the customer sees this content.
  • It is recommended that the account manager check the MASTER category spreadsheet to verify that a writer is writing the type of content being requested before submitting a ticket. (I.e. sometimes a writer only writes blogs and the customer is looking for posts about a topic and vice versa. If the writer is NOT writing the type of content needed, please reach out to the director of content instead.)
  • Fill in/delete red sections
  • Add account number tag
  • Keep this ticket assigned to yourself and tag the editor in the note. The editor will respond when the update has been made and the customer-facing customer will let the customer know we made the adjustment. 

Account Name: {Please include account name and number}

Request Details: {Please provide a clear description of the customer's request in a way that will allow the writer to execute on their request. This could be a simple list of topics or more detailed instructions. Please indicate if topics should be used only in the next round of production or if the writer should use them going forward. Keep in mind the writer cannot control how often we actually post about a topic. Requests regarding frequency of publication are related to strategy and need to go to the director of content.}

Resources: {If the customer provided resources, please attach them. If they provided links, please include them here. If not, put n/a}

Images (optional): {If the customer provided imagery or has basic image instructions, please include those here. If not, put n/a}

Rapid Response Request - To initiate a rapid response POST for a customer. Please note, it will take 24 (no custom graphics) to 48 (customized graphics - this includes Instagram customers) business hours to fulfill a rapid response request.  - Assign to scheduled Rapid Response Agent (check the Rapid Response Schedule).

Template Instructions: 

  • Please fill out based on the instructions in red. 
  • Please tag the account number
  • Please check the Rapid Response Schedule to determine who is covering rapid response today. That is the agent you will assign the ticket to.
  • Please adhere to the following timelines/rules: We need at least 24 business hours' notice for non-graphical requests and at least 48 business hours for posts that will go to graphics. NO Blogs.}
  • Please remove this section and fill in anything in red below. 

Account Name: {Please include both the account name and account number}

Description: {Please give a clear and detailed summary of what the post is for.} 

Is this for an upcoming event or webinar?: {If yes, please supply the following}

  • Event/Webinar Name:
  • Date:
  • Time:
  • Other important details:

Link: {If there is a registration, website or article link the customer would like us to use, supply it here.}

Resources: {Did the customer provide any other resources we need to use? If so, please supply link or attach to ticket and provide instructions for use.}

Image Preferences: {Did the customer supply imagery or give image preferences? Please note, nothing too custom. Attach any supplied images.}

Posting Date: {What date should we schedule the post to run?}

Content Strategy Change - To request a strategy update for a customer. Please note, strategy changes take up to two weeks to implement. This should be used by Account Managers and Strategists. If you're in Support and not familiar with content strategies, please use Content Strategy Call request form.

Template Instructions: 

      Use this template if:

  • A customer is dissatisfied with the current content we are producing and we need to make changes
  • The customer wants a specific type of messaging (i.e. job openings) at a specific frequency (i.e. once/month). 
  • A customer has an overall direction about content rather than just a specific topic request. 

Background: {Please provide background regarding your conversation with the customer}

Type of content to remove from strategy and why: {i.e. inspiration, tips, thought leadership, CTA, Data Boxes or n/a}
Type(s) of content to include or include more of in strategy: {i.e. inspiration, tips, thought leadership, CTA, Data Boxes or n/a}
Topics to stop talking about and why (if applicable): {Please describe and include examples if possible. Or put n/a}
Topics to incorporate going forward and requested frequency (if applicable): {Please describe and include examples if possible. Or put n/a}
Concerns with Graphics: {Please describe and include examples if possible. Or put n/a}
Resources: {Please attach or include links as well as instructions. Or put n/a}
Other details: {Anything else we should discuss?}