Special Request Boosting (Facebook/Instagram):   - Assign to Alix

Account Name: {Please include account name and number} 

Post Details: {Is the post live already? If yes, please include a screenshot. If not, when will it be live and what is the title?}  

Customer Instructions: {Did the customer offer any specifics such as “Spend all of my boosting budget on this one post this month.” Or “Please boost it on these specific dates?” OR “Please boost on Instagram only.” Etc.} 

Anything else?: {Do you have special instructions for us such as “This customer was billed, and paid for a $100 extra ad spend to boost this post.” OR “Please boost all posts related to this topic moving forward.” Etc.} 

Special Request Sponsored Content (LinkedIn):  - Assign to Alix

Account Name: {Please include account name and number} 

Post Details: {Is the post live already? If yes, please include a screenshot. If not, when will it be live and what is the title?}  

Customer Instructions: {Did the customer offer any specifics such as “Spend all of my sponsored content budget on this post this month.” OR “Please sponsor on this day.” Etc. NOTE: There is a $10 per day minimum on LinkedIn so, as an example, if a customer only has a $30 budget, the content will be sponsored for 3 days.} 

Anything else?: {Do you have special instructions for us such as “This customer was billed for, and paid for a $100 extra ad spend to sponsor this post.” OR “Please sponsor all posts related to this topic moving forward.” Etc.} 

Ads Team Escalation Template – Communication Request  - Assign to Alix


Account Name: {Please include account name and number} 

Background: {Please provide as much background as possible regarding your conversation with the customer and what led to this request.} 

Additional Info: {Please provide any and all additional info to help us prepare for the call. Is this customer considering cancelling or downgrading? Are there any issues with content, graphics, etc. that would be helpful to know about? Does this account have an Account Manager? If yes, who? Did they request a preferred method of outreach?} 

Ads Team Escalation Template – Strategy Shift - Account Manager and Stratgists Only. If you're not familiar with ads, please send a communication request instead so the advertising department can create a new strategy. -- Assign to Alix


Account Name: {Please include account name and number} 

Background: {Please provide background regarding your conversation with the customer and what led to this request.} 

Current Ads: {What type of ads do they currently have and on which platform(s).} 

Request Description: {Please provide a clear description of the customer's request. Is this a request to include new or special information in their current campaign? Are we shifting to a different type of ad or to a different platform?} 

Information: {Please provide complete information to execute the request.} 

Images: {If the customer provided imagery or has basic image instructions, please include those here. If not, put n/a}