Send the following code, with the customer's account ID, to the web developer . . . 

  //NOTE: This version may have some extra irrelevant hacks in it since it was copied from Voldico's site, BUT the one important thing this snippet
  //demonstrates is the usage of the "note" parameter to submit a note as well!  This note is added to the subscriber in the backend as well as
  //is included in the email that goes to the account owner.  So, we can use it to say, "Submitted via mobile site" or "Submitted via homepage" or
  //something like that.  Technically, really can be whatever we want!

function s5Subscribe() {
var status = document.getElementById("s5-subscribe-status");
var method = "GET";

    //Email only
//var emailField = document.getElementById("s5-subscribe-email");
//var url = "//" + s5AccountId + "&e=" + encodeURIComponent(emailField.value);

    //Name, phone, and email
var nameField  = document.getElementById("s5-subscribe-name");
var phoneField = document.getElementById("s5-subscribe-phone");
var emailField = document.getElementById("s5-subscribe-email");

var note;
switch(document.location.pathname) {
case "/": note = "Submitted via homepage"; break;
case "/apply-now/": note = "Submitted via 'Apply Now' page"; break;
default: note = "";

var url = "//" + s5AccountId + "&n=" + encodeURIComponent(nameField.value) + "&ph=" + encodeURIComponent(phoneField.value) + "&e=" + encodeURIComponent(emailField.value) + "&note=" + encodeURIComponent(note);

var xhr = s5CreateCORSRequest(method, url);

xhr.onload = function() {
if(xhr.response.indexOf("OK") == 0) {
status.innerHTML = "Thank you for joining our mailing list!";
        nameField.value = "";
        phoneField.value = "";
emailField.value = "";

status.innerHTML = xhr.response; = "block";

xhr.onerror = function() {
status.innerHTML = xhr.response; = "block";

return false;