When Social5 migrated from Wix to WordPress, our website company didn't realize how many redirects we had to our site. We have requested that they fix the links listed below. Just in case the problem isn't fixed before I leave — or if an update causes something to revert to previous settings — the following information will be helpful.

social5.com .htaccess
An .htaccess file defines, among other things, URL redirects for a particular website. Back when our server hosted our website, this file was used to define redirects.

When we migrated to Wix, to avoid a service disruption (SSH, FTP, deployment scripts, etc), we ended up with a somewhat complex solution in which our server continued hosting our website. Because of this, our .htaccess redirects still worked. (We simply embedded the Wix website full-screen which gave the appearance of the Wix website being deployed to social5.com).

With the adoption of the Big Red Jelly website, social5.com was pointed away from our server which caused two problems:
  1. The service disruption we were trying to avoid (e.g. SSH, etc) occurred. (Oops!) As far as I know, we’ve recovered from this disruption.
  2. The .htaccess file effectively became inactive. This explains why the links you mentioned (and dozens more) are broken.

The solution is for Big Red Jelly to recreate the missing redirects in the .htaccess file (or equivalent) on the new website.

We have included some of the rules here that Big Red Jelly will need to recreate on their end:

#Shortcuts for affiliates
#Landing page shortcuts (notice the "/" before "?a=")
RewriteRule ^re/(.*)$ http://socialfive.net/landing/real-estate/?a=$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^cw/(.*)$ http://socialfive.net/landing/western-carwash/?a=$1 [R=301,L]

#Signup process shortcuts (notice the absence of "/" before "?a=")
RewriteRule ^cp/(.*)$ http://socialfive.net/sign-up/chiropractic?a=$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^dt/(.*)$ http://socialfive.net/sign-up/doterra?a=$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^hi/(.*)$ http://socialfive.net/sign-up/home-inspection?a=$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^ins/(.*)$ http://socialfive.net/sign-up/insurance?a=$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^mg/(.*)$ http://socialfive.net/sign-up/mortgage?a=$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^re20/(.*)$ http://socialfive.net/sign-up/real-estate-2020?a=$1 [R=301,L]

#Shortcut URLs
Redirect 301 /authorize.net http://socialfive.net/landing/authorize-net #Note the trailing slash is optional for legacy reasons
Redirect 301 /app     http://socialfive.net/account
Redirect 301 /account http://socialfive.net/account
Redirect 301 /back-office http://socialfive.net/account
Redirect 301 /backoffice http://socialfive.net/account
Redirect 301 /login http://socialfive.net/account
Redirect 301 /log-in http://socialfive.net/account
Redirect 301 /signin http://socialfive.net/account
Redirect 301 /sign-in http://socialfive.net/account
Redirect 301 /portal  http://socialfive.net/affiliate

Redirect 301 /on-board https://calendly.com/social5/onboard
Redirect 301 /onboarding https://calendly.com/social5/onboard
Redirect 301 /on-boarding https://calendly.com/social5/onboard
Redirect 301 /socialsetup https://calendly.com/social5/socialsetup

#Landing pages
Redirect 301 /affiliate-signup https://socialfive.net/sign-up?sp=31,32
Redirect 301 /setup https://setup.social5.com
Redirect 301 /Setup https://setup.social5.com
Redirect 301 /SETUP https://setup.social5.com

#Rewrite the Social5 logo in Rich's (and others'?) email signature (from socialfive.com to old.social5.com)
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^old.social5\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule wp-content/uploads/2012/03/social5-email-signature.jpg https://old.social5.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/social5-email-signature.jpg [NC,R=301,L]