There are two individuals who have commissions processed manually. This is Mike Raiche and Jeremiah Stettler (now Dad Crafted Decor). These commissions can be accessed by searching under the "Secondary Commission" label in the Social5 backend system. They are generated for one of the following reasons:

1. The employee closes a deal referred by an affiliate partner. The employee is then entitled to 5% of gross-margin revenue on the deal. Because our system can only process that secondary commission if the affiliate was recruited directly by the employee, a label is attached to the account and commission is processed manually.

2. The employee creates and nurtures a partnership, but involves an employee to close the deals. In this case, commissions are due to both employees. The originator of the partnership receives 5% of gross-margin revenue and the closer receives 5% of gross-margin revenue. The only exception is Property Management Inc., which was approved as a 10% gross-margin revenue share in December 2022.

Based on that information, you will see the following manually commissions in the system.

LABEL: Secondary Commission - Raiche (2.5%)

Mike Raiche receives 5% of gross-margin revenue (or 2.5% of top-line revenue, minus ad spend) on these accounts. These are deals that he closes through a partner or affiliate that he did not recruit directly.

LABEL: Secondary Commission - Stettler (2.5%)

Jeremiah Stettler (Dad Crafted Decor) receives 5% of gross-margin revenue (or 2.5% of top-line revenue, minus ad spend) on these accounts. These are deals that he closes through a partner or affiliate that he did not recruit directly.

LABEL: Secondary Commission - Stettler (5%)

Jeremiah Stettler (Dad Crafted Decor) receives 10% of gross-margin revenue (or 5% of top-line revenue, minus ad spend) on these accounts. These are deals that originate from his partnership with Property Management Inc.. The higher revenue share is associated only with these accounts.

Because of technology limitations, these manual commissions may need to be expanded to other sales employees to provide partner commissions on deals referred through affiliates they did not recruit.