Link to zoom video instructions: 

Passcode for video: babYb^q7 

  1. Request graphics for the contest (send request to Kari)

    1. 2 Contest Survey pages (desktop and mobile versions)

    2. 2 Contest ‘congratulations’ pages (desktop and mobile versions)

    3. Facebook posts (approximately 5)

  2. Notify the advertising team of the dates of the contest (so they can be ready to boost)

  3. Notify premium account managers about the contest

  4. Send a ‘pre-contest email’ to customers

    1. Replicate previously sent emails (sent through Constant Contact)

  5. Create the app on account 70223 (see instructions in this folder)

  6. Duplicate the app across all contest accounts (see instructions in this folder)

  7. Create contest posts (see instructions in this folder)

  8. Bulk schedule contest posts (see instructions in this folder)

  9. Pick the winner, contact them, and fulfill the prize (see instructions in this folder)

  10. Ask Kari for a winner announcement graphic, create the winner announcement post, and bulk schedule it.