1. Open account 70223 and go to the ‘apps’ tab

2. Click the small, green ‘plus’ button to add an app.

3. From the dropdown menu, select ‘contest tab’.

4. Update the name of the contest. Use that same name in the “Name”, “Link Name”, and “Link URL” sections. Be careful not to delete the colon or brackets in the link URL section.

5. Upload the contest graphics to their appropriate section:

  1. Survey - Use the survey desktop image

  2. Survey Mobile - Use the survey mobile image

  3. Satisfied - Use the congrats desktop image

  4. Satisfied Mobile - Use the congrats mobile image

  5. Dissatisfied - Use the congrats desktop image

  6. Dissatisfied Mobile - Use the congrats mobile image

  7. Hit Save (scroll to the bottom of the screen)

6. Add a custom contest email to the “Email Recipients” section. Simply create a new email address with the contest’s name (and year) @content.social5.com (Example: “[email protected]”). Be sure that all the emails listed in this section are separated by commas.

7. Add the [email protected] email to the "Email Recipients" section. 

8. Update and upload the contest rules. Here are the steps (Also found here: https://support.social5.com/a/solutions/articles/9000162452

  1. Open a previous contest’s rules in a Word doc. (Attached Below)

  2. Change the name of the contest in the title of the document and in the first paragraph.

  3. Change the dates of the contest in two sections: “How to Enter” and “How Winner will be Determined”. Set the start and end dates according to when the contest will run. Set the date that the winner will be determined to the next business day after the contest is over.

  4. Change the prize and the prize value (ARV) in the “Prize” section. 

  5. Save the rules as a pdf with the name “Contest-Name-Year-Rules”. The name of the pdf will show up when you upload it, so it’s easiest if you save it to your computer with this name. 

  6. Upload the rules to Wordpress. To do this, open Wordpress, click Media, then select “Add New”. Then, upload the pdf. Once it’s uploaded, click ‘edit’. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see “File URL” - copy that URL. 

  7. Go back to the contest app and paste the URL into the correct sections:

    1. First, go to “Image Map”. You’ll see something like this: 

    2. Delete the current URL in both paragraphs, but keep all the other text, including the quotations. The first of these paragraphs should just say: <area shape="rect" target="_blank" coords="15,1115,580,1175" alt="Contest Rules" href=””> 

    3. Paste the new URL in between the quotations.

    4. Repeat this for the Survey Image Map.

  8. Hit save! ;)

8. Test the app on your computer and on your phone. You can open the app by clicking the link button next to the word “Review” at the top of your app:


9. If there are any issues with the submit button or boxes, you may have to play around with the code to find the exact spot the boxes are in the graphic. For instance, if the submit button is 100 pixels too high, it won’t line up with the submit button on the graphic. Also, make sure the color of the font is black. You can do this by checking Form CSS (on both the desktop and mobile versions) and changing the color number to 000000.