PMI rebranded in October 2024. We are working on transitioning their library. Please review their brand guide and strategy found in Sharepoint before getting started. 

Transition Plan: Content from REAL ESTATE > BRAND > CORPORATE / COMPLIANCE APPROVED > PMI - (NEW) > (SUBCATEGORIES) needs to be refreshed and put back into preview. Once approved, it is saved in the PMI REBRANDED category.

1. Review the following content each month from the (NEW) library:

  • 4 CTAs from each pillar (except commercial)
  • 4 Tips from each pillar (except commercial) 
  • 2 Inspiration from each pillar (except commercial) 
  • 4 Thought leadership (including commercial)

2. Open the original post

  • Review to make sure it is usable or will be usable with small updates
  • Right click on "copy to a new draft" and select "open in new tab"
  • Move the approved post to archive
  • In your new draft - 
    1. update the language to align with PMI's latest brand guidelines. (Can use AI assistance. There are projects in for each pillar). Use active language. 
    2. check the language on the graphic. 
    3. Add a new graphics note of "GRAPHIC: UPDATE TO NEW BRANDING" Also include any text that goes on the graphic EVEN IF IT IS THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL GRAPHIC.
    4. Recategorize the draft as  Z. ADMINISTRATIVE > PREVIEW > PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. (PREVIEW - NEW BRAND GUIDE) > subcategory
    5. Save draft.
    6. Copy the headline and post link to a new tab in this spreadsheet:
    7. Send to pending graphics. 
  • NOTE: For CTAs, they want some sort of mention of who they are: ex: As your association management experts....
  • NOTE: Do NOT say PMI as a standalone. Instead, use the Advanced merge fields to input Company Name. That way the post will read as "At PMI Utah..." or "At PMI of Jacksonville..." etc. This is mostly used for CTAs

3. Once the graphics are complete and the posts approved, upload the text, hashtags, and images to this spreadsheet in new tabs for each pillar/month:

4. Send the link to the preview spreadsheet to Matthew Newman [email protected]. Give him 5 business days for review.

5. Once he completes the review, coordinate any updates and re-previews.

6. Once content is approved

  1. Recategorize approved content to the PMI REBRANDED library under the correct pillar and content type.
  2. If the post is a CTA, Inspiration, or Tip in the Residential or Association pillar, do the following:
    1. Make a copy
    2. recategorize under PMI REBRAND - COMPASS ONLY under the applicable pillar
    3. Add a graphics note "GRAPHICS: Change full logo to compass only"
    4. Save draft
    5. Send back to Pending Graphics
  3. Make a note on this spreadsheet that you recategorized and cloned the relevant posts.  
    1. REMEMBER: You DO NOT need to clone thought leadership.

Content Production: Once all old content has been updated, start creating fresh content each month using the project folders and strategies found in Copy.Ai and Sharepoint. The preview process remains the same. New content gets saved in the Z. Administrative > PREVIEW > PROPERTYMANAGEMENT, INCE (PREVIEW - NEW BRAND GUIDE) >SUBCATEGORIES folder.